Sunday 19 July 2015

Heal yourself without Medicine..

'Take a tablet.. It only costs you a penny.'
Hey, wait a minute, your body knows how to heal. It's not the question of a penny, but it's about not allowing your body to do it's job.
The moment something goes wrong in your body, your body automatically starts repairing it.By taking medicine for each and every small problem, you are not allowing your body to function on its own. By using Mind Power you can optimize the body mechanism.
Believe me, you can cure most of the diseases on your own.
Whenever you have fever, headache, joint pain.... Try this.
Give complete rest to your body. Don`t do any work. Don`t watch TV. Don`t even sign in to your social network accounts. Sometimes that may be more stressful.
Drink ample amount of water to keep the metabolism in order. Keep a strict control on your diet. Take only light or liquid food that is easily digestible.
The next and most important step is to use the powers of Mind. Your thinking process helps you a lot to recover from illness. You should have a positive mindset. You should believe that you can heal it by yourself.
I was affected by Gangrene (a small extra growth of flesh with decomposed body tissues) on my wrist. Our family doctor Dr. Krishnamurthy diagnosed it.He told my mother that it can be removed by a minor operation.Unwilling this, I decided to get rid of the gangrene using Mind power.

How to use the Mind power?

Keep telling this to your self  'I am going to come out of this illness. My mind with its power is going to heal. Yes, I am feeling better and better'. Keep on repeating the suggestion while you relax. This works.
Another interesting method which I follow most of the time is visualizing energy. I used this technique to burn my gangrene.
It is  a simple exercise in which you need to have a relaxed state of mind and body. Let me explain the technique now.
Supposing you have severe headache and want to get rid of it using mind power...
Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Breathe slowly for about 2-3 minutes. Keep your right hand on your chest. Now breathe in slowly. While breathing in, imagine your heart is filled with bright light which is a powerful healer.
Now hold your breath and imagine that you are transferring the light from your heart to the hand.  Now slowly take out your right hand and keep it on your head. While doing this imagine that you are carrying the powerful light in your hand. Keeping your hand on your head  breath out slowly. While breathing out imagine that you are transferring the light from your hand to your head. Try to visualize the 'inside' of your head is filled with the powerful light. repeat this for 8-10 times. Then relax and sleep. When you get up you experience a fresh feel.which has long waived off the headache.
The stronger you imagine and visualize, the greater will be the result.

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